Epoxy Flooring Services
epoxy flooring services
Every type of use has its own specific requirements for attractive, durable, long-lasting flooring. The needs for each can be different and each recommendation should be based on their particular activities, which can include material-handling, equipment performance, slip resistance, types of material storage, cleaning and sanitation requirements, etc.
Philadelphia Epoxy Flooring has experience with and availability of virtually any type of coating material. But to pick the right one, we need to conduct a close inspection and discussion with potential customers before we can start a job, and especially before providing an estimate, so we can do the best job of re-surfacing their floors.
For industrial applications, the working space, including the kinds of equipment that will be present – weight, type of activity and any fluids they use; the personnel who are using the space. The physical condition of the existing floor must be inspected because sometimes flooring that has been damaged or worn out may not be a candidate for coating OR will need a special kind attention when coated to provide reliable working conditions and a long lifespan.

Quality Dictates There is No Universal Material for Every Situation
We hate to be repetitive, but one type of material and application will NOT work in every single environment.
We won’t apply a less effective material to save money or try to cut costs by not putting the right amount of material on a floor OR try and hurry the curing process (which could actually cause damage to the floor installation and possibly make it fail in your long-term use.)

We will do only the best work for our customers – which doesn’t mean that we are more expensive, it just means that we want our customers to get the best possible, long-term value from the particular type of application we provide for their renewed floor. It’s important to know that we won’t sacrifice quality just to get a job.
We’ll say it again: Contrary to what some companies claim, there is no one type of coating that will work equally well on ALL surfaces or in ANY working conditions. We can tell you that there ARE simple precautions or special types of coating materials that need to be adjusted to meet the needs of your facility. We will gladly provide a potential solution and share with you any product data sheets in order to help illustrate our recommendations.
Working conditions may mean that different materials or application techniques may be required, but that doesn’t mean that the price for coating will become more expensive. Coating a floor is a sizeable expense in any case BUT trying to save money or accelerate the time needed for the floor to cure without considering the REAL cost – failure and/or a need to start the whole coating process all over again, can possibly lead to problems or failure.